11 九月

MRKT Condos -TRIDEL最新的完美市中心公寓 交通指数爆灯的精品公寓上市发售!


Market by Tridel

MRKT Condos房源类型:公寓  楼盘开发:Tridel   
楼层高度:15层单位数量:172  交房时间:2022
MRKT Condos周围环绕着该市最酷的街区——西皇后大道、肯辛顿市场和唐人街——对于生活在多伦多文化中心的人来说,这是一个难得的机会。位于Spadina 西部的Dundas Street West,多伦多这个城市的最好和最独特的商店,餐馆,画廊和公园只是几步之遥。步行指数98;交通指数100;骑行指数98!
尽管受到疫情影响,8月份大多地区各类房型指标仍然火爆增长,销量甚至超过去年同期的40.3%,种种迹象表明,对有意在多伦多置业的市民来说现在就是置业的最佳时机, 而MRKT CONDO作为多伦多今年最酷的楼盘则是最有保障的置业选择。Exterior photo of MRKT Alexandra Park
新颖的外观,摩登的装潢和一上市就遭疯抢的销售佳绩使TRIDEL曾开发的SQ Condo成为了多伦多的地标性建筑,继SQ公寓和同一系列的SQ2公寓的巨大成功,TRIDEL现推出全新楼花项目 – Mrkt Condo,该公寓将保留TRIDEL一贯的突破性和极具个性的建筑风格,可预测的是Mrkt Condo的成功必会与SQ公寓相当,甚至会超越SQ系列,成为多伦多一房难求的又一高档公寓。
MRKT Condos周围环绕着该市最酷的街区——西皇后大道、肯辛顿市场和唐人街——对于生活在多伦多文化中心的人来说,这是一个难得的机会。位于Spadina 西部的Dundas Street West,多伦多这个城市的最好和最独特的商店,餐馆,画廊和公园只是几步之遥。步行指数98;交通指数100;骑行指数98!
多伦多最前沿的街区非Queen West莫属,被《Vogue》杂志点名为全球第二时髦的社区后更是实至名归,文化、温暖、具有创造力、时髦、便利是Queen West社区的代名词;Exterior photo of MRKT Alexandra ParkMrkt Condos坐落在Queen Street West Kensington Market和唐人街的中心位,举步之遥到达各种热门商店、餐厅、博物艺术馆和学校;多伦多大学,OCAD,瑞尔森大学,AGO艺术馆,各种奶茶店,电影院,电玩城,获奖餐厅,Mrkt Condos地址的便利程度无可比拟。
Exterior photo of MRKT Alexandra Park
直入云端的CN Tower, 夏季湛蓝的天空,秋季发粉的晚霞,各种文化背景的人们,来自全球各地的复古商品,穿梭在在繁华的市中心,悠闲漫步于树荫下,在充满文化艺术气息的艺术展馆给自己充电,周末和好友尽情狂欢,住在Mrkt Condos带给你的是永远不落幕的精彩和都市风情。
Exterior photo of MRKT Alexandra Park
Tridel Built For Life
Tridel作为拥有80年经验的老牌开发商,在一个个取得了巨大成功的项目背后是超人的胆识和魄力 — 早前Alexandra Park虽位于市中心却尚未开发,Tridel挑起了开发Alexandra Park的大担,给众多居住在市中心的市民带来了更好的居住体验。随着SQ Condos和SQ2的极好口碑, 以及接踵而至的Mrkt Condos开发建成,Tridel在一步步将对Alexandra Park的前景具现化,Alexandra Park成为全多伦多最火热的公寓社区指日可待。
MRKT Alexandra Park - Coming Soon to Dundas and Spadina描述:
  • TRIDEL出品必属精品!

  • 时尚都市中心位置推出MRKT Condo,

  • 交通指数爆灯的精品公寓上市发售!


    $5,000 签约 5% 余下的/30 天 5% 90 天 5% 180 天 5% 365 天 1% 入住


 1. 交通便利
  • 项目位于多伦多市中心,步行指数100/100,举步就是公交,地铁站等;
  • 高速:往南几分钟上高速Gardiner Expy,连接DVP和QEW,427,无缝穿越GTA;
2. 生活设施完备
  • 举步零零总总的零售商店,餐馆,艺术中心,
  • 野和休闲公园等,生活休闲娱乐极大方便居民;
  • 紧邻购物天堂Queen West 和中国城,肯辛顿市场
  • 几分钟之内可到几大医院
3. 商业就业中心
  • 位于市中心金融中心和商业中心,需要大量的雇员和劳动力
4. 高校学生的理想家园
  • 步行可到多大University of Toronto, 怀尔逊Ryerson University & OCAD University,是大学生们居住的理想家园。
5. 著名开发商品质保证
  • Tridel 是加拿大顶级的豪华公寓开发商,也是加拿大最大的房产开发商,
  • 拥有超过80年的发展历史。从成立到现在,它已完成150多个高层建筑。
  • 如今的Tridel开发的楼花是身份品质的象征,更是保值升值的保证。

Top 5 Reasons to Live at MRKT Alexandra Park Condos 

1. Location – MRKT Alexandra Park Condos is located in the very trendy Queen West neighbourhood of Toronto. With thousands of businesses lining Queen Street West, residents will have the opportunity to explore everything from antique shops, art galleries, and trendy bars and lounges. The address boasts a perfect walk score, so residents will not need to rely on a vehicle to run daily errands. Within walking distance, there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, bars, grocery stores, entertainment, and shopping options. Also located close by is Kensington Market, another vibrant and eclectic neighborhood for residents to explore.

2. Transit – Residents of MRKT Alexandra Park Condos will never have to wait long for transit, this address also boasts a perfect transit score. The TTC services the area with both regional bus services and streetcar services that can connect riders to the Yonge-University subway line, heading North towards Vaughan or South towards Union Station. Commuters looking to travel into the downtown core for work via transit can do so in less than 15 minutes.

3. Investment Opportunity – The neighborhood of Alexandra park located in the area of Queen Street West and Spadina Avenue is seeing a huge revitalization with the addition of new housing, new amenities, and new pedestrian-friendly spaces. With its central location to transit, the downtown core, major employment hubs, hospitals, and post-secondary schools like OCAD, UofT, and Ryerson University, MRKT Alexandra Park Condos will offer the perfect investment.

4. Green Space – Residents of MRKT Alexandra Park Condos will be able to enjoy plenty of fresh air and green space all while living in downtown Toronto. Parks like Alexandra, Grange, and Trinity Bellwoods Park offer a tranquil getaway from the hectic hustle and bustle of the everyday 9-5. Residents can enjoy Farmer’s Markets, outdoor festivals and activities year-round, picnics, playing with the kids, or walks with the dogs.

5. Acclaimed Developer – Tridel is an award-winning, major player in the Toronto condo market and has been for over 80 years. Their promise is to build a home that will endure through time and create lasting value for the home buyer.



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两大潜力地区的楼盘指南 一篇文章教你怎么买才能稳赚不赔 GTA最全面的升值楼盘指南!

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(647) 202-8676(647) 202-8676


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